A safer, slower American Legion
Let’s improve safety on American Legion between Blue Hill Avenue and Cummins Highway.
American Legion should be more comfortable for walking, waiting for the bus, crossing the street, and riding bikes with your family. We can make design changes in the coming year to improve safety for everyone.
Upcoming Events
EventsPhase 2 design changes and engagement
During phase two of American Legion we plan to add two new crosswalks on American Legion (at Stella Road and Circuit Drive), improve three existing crosswalks by adding pedestrian protection islands, and make all the bus stops in the project area accessible.
Review crosswalk proposed for Stella Road
On June 29, we held a virtual meeting with a presentation and short discussion with attendees about the proposed changes to American Legion. Spanish interpretation was offered. You can review the presentation (ENGLISH/ESPAÑOL) and notes from the discussion.
Neighbors stopped by to chat with a member of our team in-person. We were outside:
- Tuesday, July 13, from 7:30 - 9 a.m. at the intersection of Stella Road and American Legion
- Saturday, July 17, from 10 - 1 p.m. at the Franklin Park Playground near American Legion
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Explore the Phase I Design Changes
Project updates
Project updatesIn April 2021, we started installing flex posts along American Legion. These vertical posts provide a physical separation between the bike lane and the vehicle travel lanes or parking lane. They help reinforce pavement markings. They also reduce people passing by using the bike lane.
- We have designated time for vehicles to make a left turn (from American Legion onto Franklin Hill Avenue) without oncoming traffic or pedestrians crossing.
- This change also allows for us to set the WALK across Franklin Hill to come up every cycle. The signal will remain on for as long as vehicles on American Legion get a green light.
- Estimated completion date: Friday, April 16
In October 2020, we updated our plans based on your feedback. We began removing the old pavement markings and installing new ones. We added green paint and bike symbols to the new bike lanes.
In November 2020, we removed the signs that were no longer relevant and installed new ones. We found out there were delays in the purchase and installation of flexible delineator posts for this project.
In January 2021, the traffic signals along the corridor were adjusted. You will notice a longer crossing time for pedestrians at most signalized intersections.
We're grateful to all the community members who have shared their stories and concerns. We appreciated talking with you about potential design changes that will help slow drivers and improve safety.
We offered two opportunities for a virtual presentation and short discussion. We offered the same presentation in each meeting. Meetings were available in English and in Spanish. You can view the recording of these meetings:
Neighbors stopped by to chat with a member of our team in-person. We were outside:
- Tuesday, September 22, from 7 - 9 a.m. at the intersection of Stella Road and American Legion
- Thursday, September 24, from 4:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the intersection of Shandon Road and Fermoy Heights Avenue
- Saturday, September 26, from noon - 3 p.m. at the Franklin Park Playground at American Legion
- Tuesday, September 29, from 4 - 7 p.m. at the intersection of Stella Road and American Legion
For the safety of you, your neighbors, and City staff, we followed state and City guidelines for meetings. All attendees were required to wear a face covering and stay six feet away from others.
Phase I Project Materials
Learn more about the project goals and design tools in this booklet.
Watch and listen to a presentation about the project.
Your questions answered
Read the responses to the questions we have received thus-far.
Aprende mas sobre las metas del proyecto y las estrategias de diseño.
Mire y escuche la presentación sobre el proyecto.
Tus preguntas, respondidas
Lee las preguntas que hemos recibido hasta ahora.