Day Square
Here you can find relevant information of ongoing and future projects in Day Square, East Boston. We want to hear from you. Below are some ways to get involved. (VER SITIO EN ESPAÑOL)
We want to hear how you think Day Square could be safer, more organized and more welcoming for people in all modes. Please text one of the key words below to 857-371-4829 to start the survey in your preferred language:
English: "PLAZA"
Spanish: "LA PLAZA"
Portuguese: "Praça"
Haitian Creole: "PLAS"
Arabic: ساحة
Chinese: 广场
Day Square is the geographic center of East Boston, a neighborhood commercial center, and a gateway between East Boston and Chelsea. Today, the square is defined by abundant parking, complex intersections, and a lack of public space. Most vehicles pass through while the SL3 bypasses the square entirely. With a large area of paved surfaces, Day Square experiences both very high heat and more crashes than most of the neighborhood.
PLAN: East Boston envisions Day Square as a neighboring gathering place, anchored by public spaces, reliable high-frequency bus service, and safer streets for everyone. Expanded transit service and improved walkability also lead to street activation, providing a unique opportunity to reimagine Day Square not only as a connecting point but as a place of its own. Changes to Day Square also provide an opportunity to update curbside regulations.
The City of Boston and Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) are partnering to bring the first phase of PLAN: East Boston’s vision to reality.
Come visit the plaza between July and the end of September! There will be seating, games, and local vendors for everyone to enjoy. Additionally, there will be City staff you can talk to and provide feedback on your experience in and around Day Square.
Keep an eye out on this website for upcoming special events during:
- Eastie Week (10-year anniversary): July 9 – July 26
- Taste of Eastie (with East Boston Main Streets): Jul 23, 2024
- East Boston Open Streets: Sunday September 15, 2024
Events Calendar
Our project team is coordinating with the MBTA and City agencies to address community concerns. These include:
We’re updating the MBTA bus network to better match service to where people live, work, learn, and play. Our Bus Network...
The PLAN: East Boston process was approved by the BPDA Board on January 18, 2024. Please reach out to Community Engagement...
MONUM explores and tackles experiments and prototypes that cover a range of topics. This includes everything from the future...
ONS staff attends community meetings, assists residents with city services, shares important information directly with...
Temporary Plaza
Between July and September (the hottest months of the year), the City will activate Day Square with a pop-up plaza. This interim plaza is intended to provide shade and seating to help community members to stay cool on hot days. Additionally, the space will serve as a platform for seasonal programming, and will provide opportunities for engagement of youth both outside of school during the summer, as well as during the start of the school year in September. The pop-up plaza will also serve as an ideation platform for the plaza’s future permanent design.
Day Square Plaza is an opportunity to give back space to people of all ages and abilities. This was identified as a priority area in the Boston Heat Plan with daytime temperatures that are on average 12℉ warmer than those in nearby coastal areas of East Boston. By introducing shade structures and seating, the Day Square Plaza will allow community members to stay cool on hot days. Day Square has all the right ingredients for public space: extra street space to be reimagined, restaurants and shops with all-day foot traffic, and access to transit and paths to connect to the broader region.