Community Garden Compost Requests
The City of Boston provides free compost and delivery to community gardeners in partnership with Landscape Express/Site One.
Every Spring, the City of Boston partners with Landscape Express/Site One to provide nutrient rich compost to community gardens from the yard waste collected from Boston and other cities and towns around the state. Community gardens can choose to have their compost delivered to their garden, or pick it up from Landscape Express/Site One.
Compost Delivery
Compost delivery is available from April 15, 2025 - June 13, 2025.
PROGRam requirements:
- Community gardens must be located in Boston.
- Someone from the garden must be onsite at the time of delivery.
- Gardens are responsible for ensuring their entrance is large enough for a 10 foot wide truck to fit through.
- Entrances must be clear at time of delivery, please notify neighbors not to block your entrance if needed.
- Compost will not be dumped on sidewalks or active roadways.
- Cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before delivery.
- Compost deliveries will be made in rain or shine.
We reserve the right to cancel appointments from any garden that does not meet the program requirements.
To schedule an appointment for compost delivery, select the quantity of compost your garden would like to receive below. Please accurately fill out the information on the Google Calendar link. If your garden needs more than 8 cubic yards of compost, email
As a rule of thumb, 1 cubic yard of compost spread a quarter-inch thick will cover roughly 1,200 square feet (a 30ft x 40ft rectangle) of garden beds.
Please note: The driver is expected to deliver compost within the time slot selected. Please expect a call from Landscape Express/Site One on the day of delivery for an accurate estimated time of arrival.
compost pick-up
Where: 415 American Legion Highway, Roslindale MA, 02131
When: May - September | Wednesdays 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Please note:
- Gardeners must check in at the main office and be escorted to the compost.
- Bring something to hold your compost such as contractor bags or sturdy bins.
- You are expected to help. Wear appropriate footwear and bring a shovel if possible.
benefits of compost
By using compost instead of commercially purchased fertilizers you are:
- Adding organic matter to the soil and increasing the nutrient content and biodiversity of microbes in soil.
- Conserving water and reducing water use by helping soils retain moisture.
- Helping prevent soil erosion by reducing soil compaction and runoff.
- Reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
- Improving plant growth and promoting higher yields of agricultural crops.
- Improving water quality by filtering stormwater and reducing nutrient and sediment runoff.
- Helping regenerate poor soil and remediate (clean up) soils that have been depleted by overuse or contain contaminants.
Frequently asked questions
faqThere is currently no limit to how much compost a garden can have delivered. Please note that compost is delivered 4 cubic yards at a time. If your garden needs more than 8 cubic yards of compost, email
You can cancel your appointment by clicking “cancel appointment” in the confirmation email, or by contacting
You can help make sure that parked cars are not blocking your garden's entrance by notifying your garden's neighbors ahead of time. You can also request to have delivery made the same day as your street sweeping day.
If the truck will not be able to fit through your garden's entrance, we will not be able to deliver compost to your garden. You are welcome to stop by Landscape Express/Site One on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8am - 12pm to pick up free compost! Some people have brought pickup trucks (either their own, a friend's, or renting a UHaul) or even a minivan (with buckets and rubbermaid tubs to put the compost inside of) to their site. Landscape Express staff will help the gardeners with the loading. The gardeners need to make sure they mention that this compost is for their plot at one of the Boston community gardens. Their site is located at 415 American Legion Highway.
The City of Boston partnered with Landscape Express/Site one and The Trustees to sample the compost and send it to be tested at the University of Pennsylvania. The results ensure that any contaminants in the compost are below the limits specified in the Best Management Practices from Boston University.