Study of Shadow Impacts on Boston's Parks
Understanding the impacts of light and shadow on the Emerald Necklace parks and park users.
Parks and Planning
Back Bay Fens and Riverway Parks
add building height and density in areas throughout the city
support high quality parks and open spaces for all of the benefits they provide
policies and regulations
review of future development
Common questions
Common questionsThis project is looking to develop an evidence-based understanding of sunlight and shadow on parkland, starting with this portion of the Emerald Necklace. By starting with one study area, we're better able to test ideas and verify their accuracy. This parkland has a variety of landscape types, programming, and development pressures. The goal is to conduct this research so that the findings are also applicable to other parks in Boston.
The Advisory Group will collaborate with the project team. Some goals of Advisory Group member engagement include:
- Help develop and maintain transparency about the project within the broader community.
- Provide feedback on analysis, precedents, and research.
- Help honor past work by flagging duplication of efforts from prior projects.
- Carry the knowledge of this study into future regulatory or policy work.
Kirk Sykes, Accordia Partners |
Peter Sougarides, Samuels Associates |
Marie Law Adams, Landing Studio |
Steve Farrell, Fenway Community Development Corporation |
Pam Beale, Charlesgate Alliance |
Ned Friedman, Arnold Arboretum |
Matt Kiefer, Goulston and Storrs |
Patrice Kish, Department of Conservation and Recreation |
Hessann Farooqi, Boston Climate Action Network |
Mohammed Missouri, City of Boston Mayor's Office |
Marie Fukuda and Freddie Veikley, Fenway Civic Association |
Tom Yardley, Longwood Collective |
Alex Krieger, Harvard Graduate School of Design |
Kellie Connelly, TerraInk |
- Agency LP (contract holder)
- Reed Hilderbrand
- Chapman EcoLandscape
- Neighbor Architects
- Buro Happold
Interviews in the park
In addition to the Advisory Group, this project is interviewing park users in the Back Bay Fens and Riverway Parks. One round of interviews was completed in September 2024 and another round will happen in February 2025. Read on for the results from the first round of interviews.
100 people were interviewed in the first round of park interviews
- 58% of individuals surveyed felt that present sun/ shade conditions influenced where they chose to spend time in the park.
- 25% of individuals surveyed cited weather and present temperatures as the primary influence for where they chose to spend their time in the park.
“Cool, calm, light is nice here. Like the view of the lake, like the quiet.”
“The blend of shade, partial shade, and full sun - when I'm at the park, I want all of it.”
“She wanted to be in the shade, he wanted sun: compromise!”
Key themes from round 1 of interviews
It’s personal: Sunlight needs were linked to feelings. Individuals expressed seeking peace, relaxation, or energy from their time in the sun.
Not all shade is equal: The quality of shade was important, and a preference for tree shade was expressed.
Sightlines and visibility: Respondents noted a desire to avoid direct sun in one’s eyes or wanting to enjoy the view of an open sky.
Seasonal Variation: Respondents emphasized the importance of direct sunlight during September before winter arrived, the desire for more sun in colder months, and the preference for shade during hotter months.
Choice and Variety: Preferences varied based on a slew of personal and environmental factors; partial shade was commonly stated as the most comfortable environment, and the ability to move between shade and sunlight was prized.