As Nupumukâunean (We Still Dance) Performance
It’s important for us to make visible American Indian and Indigenous arts in the City of Boston.
WHY WE Did this
Âs Nupumukâunean (We Still Dance) is a new dance theater work that highlights traditional and contemporary stories of the Aquinnah Wampanoag People through dance, music, installation, and multimedia. MONUM collaborated with the Equity and Inclusion Cabinet to bring this performance to Boston for the first time. By having a dedicated Supporting Indigenous Communities Program Manager, we built partnerships with the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture and the Massachusetts College of Art and Design to provide opportunities like this. By supporting Indigenous art and making it accessible to residents, the City aims to bring visibility to a community that has been historically erased from the City of Boston.
To work across departments and external partners to bring this Indigenous performance to Boston!
It’s important to understand how our funding sources work at the City but also important to ensure organization.