Pine Street Inn
444 Harrison AvenueBoston, MA 02118 -
Leo is a "hero" in our Boston's Way Home initiative. The action plan aims to end veteran and chronic homelessness in Boston.
Leo Adorno
Leo is one of the hardest working people in Boston. He will send emails at 5 a.m. with a new idea or call a colleague after 6 p.m. to follow up on a concern with a vulnerable client — sometimes in the same day.
He is perpetually encouraging the rest of us to keep our focus, maintain our momentum, and to remember that we are ultimately accountable to doing right by our most vulnerable neighbors. He is incredibly passionate about the mission of ending chronic homelessness in Boston — and his drive is contagious. Across agencies and programs, we all benefit from Leo's vision and determination, as do so many formerly homeless people who are now housed and on their own path to stability.
Leo will be the first to say that his team is incredible and that they deserve all the credit for the immense number of housing placements from Pine Street this year. So we honor both Leo and his team for what they've accomplished in this year, and for what they will achieve in the year to come.
— Laila Bernstein, Advisor to the Mayor, Initiative to End Chronic Homelessness
What do you find satisfying about this kind of work?
Helping people to move beyond a bad situation and see a better future for themselves.
Tell us a story about something you’re proud of?
Years ago, I was experiencing alcohol and drug addiction. I was able to put my life back together 25 years ago and commit to help others.
After 23 years at PSI, I still want to come to work and love what I do.