Housing innovation workshops
Over the last three years, we've held workshops on solutions to housing affordability.
The Housing Innovation Workshop is an annual event. It brings together many stakeholders to discuss, ideate, and envision new futures for housing. Its vision is to create a community of innovators and practitioners. We do this through:
- curating a dialogue on housing innovation, and
- explaining our findings and results to the housing and real estate industries.
The workshops
On September 15, 2017, the Housing Innovation Lab co-hosted the first Housing Innovation Workshop with:
The focus of the workshop was “Developing Differently.” The workshop aimed to work across expertise levels. We considered different stakeholders to find challenges and think about solutions. Over the course of six hours, the 55 participants:
- created 40 ideas
- gave nearly 800 pieces of feedback
- pitched eight ideas, and
- “built up” four final ideas.
On November 2, 2018, the Housing Innovation Lab teamed up for the second time with:
The workshop focused on ways to increase the supply of housing through innovative materials and methods. Fifty participants across twelve different disciplines joined the conversation. The workshop found four areas where roadblocks can arise in the development process:
- construction
- regulation
- technology, and
- finance.
Teams competed to present four ideas that we want to move forward to develop.
On July 7 and 8, 2020, the Housing Innovation Lab cohosted the workshop with
- the Boston Society for Architecture
- MIT’s Future Urban Collectives, and
- MIT’s Real Estate Innovation Lab.
The workshop convened more than 60 participants for a two-day virtual workshop. We discussed and found solutions to help facilitate the production of equitable and sustainable middle-scale housing in Boston.
We asked the housing community to help us craft a Request for Ideas (RFI) for our next Housing Innovation Competition. We also responded to our central question: "Can middle scale housing be used as an anti-racist strategy?
MORe 2020 workshop info