Renew Boston Trust: Exterior Lighting
Each year the City spends about $5 million for energy for exterior lighting. This includes streetlights, traffic signals, sports lighting and security lighting.
The Renew Boston Trust Exterior Lighting program will reduce energy use. The program will retrofit streetlights with more efficient lighting and adding controls. The City entered into an Investment Grade Audit Agreement with Ameresco, Inc. This energy services company will conduct a full audit of the exterior lights owned by the City. Once the City receives the audit report, it will begin implementing energy conservation measures (ECMs). The City has budgeted $10 million for the initial phase of this RBT program.
Project timeline
FAll 2022 - Spring 2023:
Conduct audit and data collection
- During this time, auditors will be out in neighborhoods collecting data and geotagging every exterior light owned by the city.
winter 2023-2024:
- City selects energy efficiency lighting projects based on results of energy audit.