Franklin Park Initiatives
As part of the Franklin Park Action Plan, many recommendations were made for ongoing improvements within Franklin Park. Please use this website to be able to keep up to date on projects and initiatives that are currently happening in the park.
Ongoing Initiatives
Bear Dens: Safety Improvements
The focus of this project will be to make conditions safe for visitors.
Circuit Drive Traffic Calming and Drainage
Introduction of traffic calming measures to help provide safe pedestrian crossings and reconnect the sides of Franklin Park across Circuit Drive
Dog Facilities Study
This study will study the feasibility of/ locations of dog facilities within Franklin Park.
Franklin Park Maintenance Trust
Trust website under construction, check back soon for more information.
Overlook Study and Conceptual Design
This project will explore preserving and restoring the significant masonry elements, and support public use with a focus on performances.
Shattuck Picnic Grove: Tennis Expansion
The design scope will include the parking edge, tennis expansion from 2 courts to 4 or 5 courts and gathering spaces.