South Boston: 346 D St Abutters Meeting 3/25/2025
Change existing occupancy from Office and warehouse use to a fleet motor pool Garage with dispatch office, to include accessory storage of materials, truck storage & servicing and employee parking lot, then perform Phase 1 shell and core renovations per plans provided to consist of new building infrastructure work, electrical service, electric vehicle charging and installation of an 8' security fence to be installed around property. Demolition of any existing structures, consolidation of five lots and final tenant fitout shall be performed on separately filed and issued SF demo, alteration and use of premises permits.
The purpose of this meeting is to get community input and listen to the resident's positions on this proposal. This is a virtual meeting via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 811 7646 7698
Please note, the City does not represent the occupant(s)/developer(s)/attorney(s)/applicant(s).