90 Perthshire Road Abutters Meeting
Changes to proposed design of 90 Perthshire Rd from previous meeting:
1. Reduced the Number of Units from 9 to 6.
2. Removed the covered Parking on the right side property line.
3. Centralized the parking area to the middle of the site.
4. The side setback on the right side was increased.
5. The rear setback was reduced.
6. The design character was changed from modern to a neighborhood context character.
7. The Unit square footage was increased but the floor to area ratio remains the same.
8. The Building Height was increased 2’-6"
The purpose of this meeting is to get community input and listen to the resident's positions on this proposal. This is a virtual meeting via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 876 6424 9084
Please note, the City does not represent the occupant(s)/developer(s)/attorney(s)/applicant(s).