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< Go to Building Housing Homepage
Project Name

Homer St - Potential Open Space/Urban Agriculture

Project Parcels


City of Boston - DND
Project Images
Property Size
2,500 sq/ft


To Be Decided

Project Goals

One parcel for preservation as open space.


Winter 2023

Community Feedback

We’re meeting with community members to gather feedback on plans for the site.

Feb 22 2023
MOH is gathering community input on the possible use of this site as an urban farm.
Theresa Strachila | Project Manager
Apr 03 2023
64 Homer Street Community Meeting

Thank you to the Harbor View Neighborhood Association for hosting and to all of the attendees for their questions and comments. Community members voiced support for continued engagement with direc t abutters about the future of this parcel. Attendees also voiced support for preserving the parcel as open space. MOH will continue conversations with direct abutters and follow up with the neighborhood association about next steps.

May 31 2023
GrowBoston/MOH staff will present at the Harbor View Neighborhood Association's June 5th meeting to provide an update on this project. Community feedback will be solicited about whether MOH should pursue an RFP for use of this parcel as publicly accessible open space or open space for private individual use. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please share your thoughts with the Project Manager!
Theresa Strachila | Project Manager
Jun 05 2023
64 Homer Street Presentation at HVNA Meeting

GrowBoston staff provided an update on the community engagement process to date for the City-owned parcel at 64 Homer Street. Staff have heard feedback from community members that they would like the lot to be preserved as open space, either for sale for private use or for community use as a community garden or urban farm. Staff conducted an informal poll of meeting attendees about their support for use of the lot for public or private uses. 8 participants supported using the lot for urban agriculture with regular public access. 17 participants supported making the lot available for sale to individuals for private open space use. GrowBoston staff will follow-up at a future HVNA meeting to discuss next steps.

Jan 09 2024
At the January 8, 2024 Harbor View Neighborhood Association Meeting, GrowBoston/MOH staff presented draft "Site and Design Objectives" for a potential RFP for a publicly-accessible open space use of this site. DRAFT Site and Design Objectives Residents and community members have expressed their preference for certain design features, and we encourage proposals that take into consideration these design guidelines. The site is to be preserved as open space. Proposals should allow for community engagement with nature, which may include: landscaping improvements, passive recreational use, and/or urban agriculture. Proposals should include fencing around the parcel that supports the privacy of adjacent property residents and is decorative in nature. Proposals should include an operational plan that encourages travel to the site via foot, bicycle, and/or public transit. The site is not to be used for vehicle parking. Community members shared the following feedback about these objectives. Use of the site for "urban agriculture" is vague. They would like to see proposal specifics.The operations plan should include specific and limited hours of operation to ensure the residential neighborhood is not disturbed.Community members expressed support for passive open space uses (i.e. seating areas), especially for families in the neighborhood.A community member expressed concern about the long term care and maintenance of the site by an organization not based in the neighborhood.A community member would like to see growing space in the neighborhood. Please submit any additional public comments on the future use of this site to Theresa Strachila, Program Manager, at  by 5:00pm on Friday, January 26th. See below for the full presentation from this meeting.
Theresa Strachila | Project Manager

Developer Selection

Predicted Date: Winter 2024
Dec 18, 2024

Request for Proposals (RFP) Opened for Bidding

City Planning

Predicted Date: Spring 2025

Under Construction

Predicted Date: To Be Determined

Project Complete

Predicted Date: To Be Determined
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