The City of Boston acting by its Public Facilities Commission, through its Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing (MOH), 12 Channel Street, Boston MA 02210, hereinafter referred to as the Awarding Authority, hereby invites sealed bids for the above-entitled project.
Bids shall be on a form supplied by the MOH, be clearly identified as a bid, and signed by the bidder.
All bids for this project are subject to current provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30, section 39M as amended; and to the terms and provisions of the contract documents entitled: 778-788 Parker Street Soil Remediation Project - Project No. B5510B. The scope of work includes excavation, treatment, and off-site disposal of contaminated soil and debris.
ALL BIDS shall be filed with the Awarding Authority and submitted directly to the MOH Bid Box, located at 12 Channel Street - 9th Floor, Suite 902, Boston, MA 02210 before twelve o'clock (noon) (EST), on April 8, 2025 at which time and place respective bids will be opened forthwith and read aloud.
A non-mandatory Bidders’ Conference will be held on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 10:00 AM at the 778-788 Parker Street, Roxbury (Mission Hill) site. All those attending the Bidders’ Conference will do so at their own risk.
Plans and specifications will be available on or about March 17, 2025, and are only available electronically from MOH and can be downloaded by registering at boston.gov/departments/housing/requests-proposals.
- Posted 03/17/2025 - 9:00am
- Closes 04/08/2025 - 12:00pm
- Type Paper
Awarded by
Project NumberProject No. B5510B
Questions about this page? Contact:James Smith
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