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Tax Preparation for the Disability Community

The Boston Tax Help Coalition (BTHC) provides free, high-quality tax preparation for those earning $70,000 or less. The BTHC prioritizes integrating free tax preparation with the needs of the disability community by providing necessary accommodations. 

The 2024 tax deadline has passed but the Boston Tax Help Coalition is still offering free in-person and virtual tax preparation services.

Make an appointment

By appointment only. To schedule an appointment, contact 617-863-7376 or

Hours and Location
  • Where: Josephine A. Fiorentino Community Center, 123 Antwerp Street, Brighton, MA 02135
  • When: Second Sunday of each month, May - October 2024, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Please bring a valid photo ID and all required documents to your appointment. 

What to Expect at Your Appointment

Tax Assistants will guide taxpayers through the tax preparation process, help answer questions, and provide advocacy. Taxpayers can expect the following process to get their taxes done:

  1. Intake/IRS Documents
  2. Financial Check-Up (Optional)
  3. Tax Preparation
  4. Signature and Filing 

Required Documents

Remember to bring the following required documents to your appointment:

  • Non-expired photo ID required 
  • Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer ID Letter (ITIN) for you, your dependents, and  your spouse 
  • Massachusetts Commission of the Blind Certificate of Blindness
  • A copy of 2022 tax return
  • All 1099 forms: 1099-G (unemployment), 1099-R (pension payments), 1099-INT (bank interest), 1099-SSA (Social Security), or self-employment 
  • W2 forms from all jobs in 2023 (if filing past years, forms from all jobs that year) 
  • Bank account and routing numbers to direct deposit your tax refund into your account
  • Proof of health insurance (health insurance cards, HC-1099 and 1095-A) 1095-B if applicable for the taxpayer, spouse, and all dependents. Taxpayers who have received or expect to receive health insurance credits need to bring proof of ALL household income.
  • If you received the premium tax credit, you must bring in a 1095-A
  • Total childcare expenses in 2023, and childcare provider’s name, address, and Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Social Security Number (SSN)      
  • All 1098-T forms (tuition payments), college statements, receipts for materials 
  • Total rent paid in 2023
  • Proof of ANY deductible out-of-pocket expenses (annual BWSC, charitable receipts, property taxes) 
  • Any mail from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and IRS 
  • The IRS letter that says you received the Child Tax Credit (if you got this credit)

Have questions about tax documentation? Contact Lynn Dann at 617-918-5260 or

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