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Harrison Avenue Reconstruction (Ink Block)

We’re designing a safer, greener Harrison Avenue between Herald Street and East Berkeley Street.

Our work will continue the public realm improvements started by the redevelopment of parcels along the corridor. This fall, we are finishing design plans and aim to begin construction next year.


We will post a link to the design plans here soon!

  • Better sidewalks and safer crossings
    • Rebuild all curb ramps to meet accessibility standards
    • Widen the sidewalk on the west side between Traveler Street and East Berkeley Street
    • Build pedestrian islands at each intersection to shorten crossing distances
    • Install fresh, high visibility crosswalks
    • Use pedestrian-friendly signal phasing at signalized intersections
  • Smoother Road
    • Repave the road between Herald Street and East Berkeley Street, making a more comfortable experience for all users. 
  • Separated bike lanes
    • Add one-way separated bike lanes on both sides of the street, allowing travel in both directions
  • Green and resilient
  • Public realm
    • Install standardized street lighting, replacing non-standard street lights
    • Remove the decaying concrete median
  • Safer, more efficient signals and traffic
    • Where possible, people on foot will get a head start crossing the street before drivers going in the same direction
  • Parking 

Project Map

Harrison Avenue Ink Block - Project Map

Project Updates

Project Updates

On August 6, 2024 we attended the Landmarks Commission hearing to present the current project status and field questions from the commission.



On September 13, 2022 we attended the East Berkeley Neighborhood Association Meeting to share an update and take feedback



On August 9, 2022 we attended the East Berkeley Neighborhood Association Meeting to share an update and take feedback



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